Corporate social responsibility

With our mission to enable everyone to enjoy fresh fruit and vegetable juices, we are close to nature. We therefore also feel responsible for the impact on this nature.

Our motives

Enjoying pure nature

As a partner in premium freshness, we develop distinctive fresh concepts. Unique blends that are super fresh, taste fantastic and are packed with vitamins and minerals.

The goal is to let all of Europe enjoy the best that nature has to offer. That means our business is constantly evolving. By using ever smarter techniques, flavours are preserved even better. This makes it possible to supply the whole continent with fresh produce.

To remain in good taste, we continuously create new fresh concepts and flavour combinations, tailored to our customers’ target groups. Everything we come up with has the same basis: ultra-fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs, which we cold-press daily in our state-of-the-art presses.

Behind the presses, but also in the office and visiting suppliers, is Hoogesteger’s secret ingredient: a team of experts with a passion for fresh. Our team deploys their knowledge and experience throughout the chain to exceed your expectations again and again.

Hoogesteger and CSR

With our mission to enable everyone to enjoy fresh fruit and vegetable juices, we are close to nature. We therefore also feel responsible for the impact on this nature. Think about:

  • The impact of transporting raw materials,
  • the use of water to wash our resources,
  • the way of keeping the environment in which raw materials are pressed and stored cool,
  • and finally the packaging in which the juice is presented.

In doing so, we have to deal with our suppliers and transporters. How do they treat the environment? And no less important: with their employees? As we buy raw materials from suppliers in various high-risk countries, chain responsibility is a key concern for us.